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[Turkey Trot 5K home]

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How to Register


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Turkey Trot 5K

Pen Bay YMCA Turkey Trot 5K--- November 27, 2015

This Annual 5K takes place on the day after Thanksgiving each year and is a great way to recover from the big meal. The race will begin at 8:30 a.m. Pre-registration check in or race day sign up will open at 7:00 a.m. and end at 8:15 a.m. at the YMCA.  Registration includes a post race pancake breakfast!!

Course:  This course  runs through Camden and Rockport before finishing at the YMCA.  It is mainly flat with a hill at about the 1/2 mile point and another gradual climb at about the 2 1/2 mile point.

Awards: we will have awards for first overall male and female as well as first place in each of the following age groups male and female:
12 & under, 13-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70-79, 80+

Registration: $25 per person. Online Registration ends on November 24. 

T-shirts are guaranteed to anyone registered by November 13.

Pancake Breakfast:  Your registration fee includes a post race pancake breakfast.  Additional breakfast tickets can be purchased at the door for $5 a person or $20 per family.

Address:  Penobscot Bay YMCA, 116 Union Street, Rockport, Maine 04856

Active Seasons

There are no active seasons at this time


[Nov 24 2015]   Pre-Regisration is now closed

Online pre-registration is now closed.  We will be taking race morning registrations beginning at 7am Friday morning.  We hope to see you there!!

[Jul 15 2015]   Volunteers needed!!

We can always use great volunteers to make this a great and safe event for the racers.  Please contact Jasen at jwood@penbayymca.org to volunteer at this year's race.


[Jul 15 2015]   Registration

Registration will open for this year's Turkey Trot 5K on September 1. 

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